marți, 11 noiembrie 2014

Technology vs Personal Development

We are here in a 21st century where technology has evolved a lot, we can carry out and get things very easy without too much hassle, but this technology can also have adverse effects on the spiritual and intellectual, due to the introductions than outliers in terms of this technology, constantly use can lower intellectual ability. Using these latest discoveries can be used but also for raising activities intellect and spiritual development, you just have to know where to look and how to use this technology, but I think each of us is aware of this, here it comes only decision each of us!
We could use these things to make our world better, even if what we find mostly, especially on TV or on social networks, are not so good news. Each user has the right to choose, even though in many cases we are made to believe that we are free, I still have faith that opportunities exist!
I am aware that to write everything I want to write must choose my words very well.
So I'll just end by saying to take a break, to close our eyes, to feel the vitality of the body and the vibrations that surround us, are they negative or positive?

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